General B-BBEE Benefits of LLCA Programmes

Skills Development

  • All the LLCA programmes cater for many of the sub-objectives of the skills development element of the B-BBEE scorecard. Our programmes are classified as category B, C and D on the B-BBEE Skills Matrix.


  • R100 spent with LLCA counts as R500 on your procurement scorecard. Selection and appointment of your supply base is critical when managing the Procurement element of your B-BBEE scorecard. Clients need to ensure that every R100 spent earns maximum benefit.

Socio-Economic Development

  • All LLCA programme’s benefit black South Africans. Clients choose how their SED funds are utilised.
  • Almost all our client contributions are used to broaden the reach of both our Teach-a-Teacher and Support-a-School Programmes.
  • Client contributions can be used to run any learning programme for a black South African Individual.
  • LLCA provides all necessary vetting of candidates and documentation for verification.

Enterprise and Supplier Development

LLCA is a 73.57% black owned qualifying Enterprise and Supplier Development Beneficiary. Clients choose how their funds will be utilised.

  • Almost all our client contributions are used to broaden the reach of both our Teach-a-Teacher and Support-a-School Programmes.
  • Client Contributions can be used to broaden our programme offering.
  • LLCA provides all necessary documentation for verification and a valid B-BBEE Certificate.

125% Recognition for every Rand spent

Selection and appointment of your supply base is critical when managing the Procurement element of your B-BBEE scorecard.
Clients need to ensure that every R100 spent earns maximum benefit.

As a customer, every R100 spent with the LLC Academy counts 4 times as R125.
It is counted under each of the following categories in the Amended Codes of Good Practice.

R100 counts as R500 on your Procurement Scorecards

For more information on how we can support your B-BBEE Benefits with our training programmes,
contact us here!