In the musical Chicago, in an act of desperation, Velma Kelly sings to Roxy Hart, “I just can’t do it alone!” When it comes to providing South Africans with quality education, be it in our schools or in the boardroom, this could not be more true.
“At The LLC Academy, we believe in partnership,” says Eileen Thornhill, Director of The LLC Academy. “We partner with Lanham-Love Consulting, where we assist clients with effective implementation of the B-BEE codes, to ensure they achieve the best B-BBEE compliance level possible, and meet strategic skills development requirements of the business.
We partner with LLGV, an innovative law firm who ensures legal and B-BBEE compliance of every solution.
We partner with our clients, not only to understand the strategic growth requirements of their people and to equip them with the skills they need to take the business forward, but also to apply our extensive B-BBEE knowledge and people development expertise to create the best future fit solution for the company.
Partnering with The LLC Academy in order to achieve the Skills Development component of your B-BBEE Scorecard is just one way that you can progress your B-BBEE compliance. “All the LLCA programmes cater for many of the sub-objectives of the skills development element of the B-BBEE scorecard,” says Thornhill. “Our programmes are classified as category B, C and D on the B-BBEE Skills Matrix, and the vast majority of these programmes are focused on helping your team become better leaders – of themselves and others. This includes helping our students become more agile, holistic thinkers, and equipping them with the skills they need to take your business where you want and need it to go.”
In addition, you can partner with The LLC Academy should you wish to make your Socio-Economic Development and Enterprise and Supplier Development B-BBEE targets. “Almost all our client contributions are used to broaden the impact of both our Teach-a-Teacher and Support-a-School outreach Programmes,” says Thornhill. “These programmes are a particularly excellent way to benefit everyone involved – students are equipped with the expertise they need to become exceptional teachers; schools benefit from an extra set of hands that they do not have to direct additional funds towards; your business benefits from additional B-BBEE compliance; and South Africa as a whole benefits through the education of its youth.”
“There is a famous African proverb: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,’” says Thornhill. “By engaging in genuine partnership, where everyone involved sees real benefit, and can build upon that benefit to develop themselves and the people around them further, we can all go very far indeed.”
If you would like to partner with The LLC Academy, be it to upskill your workforce, develop your leadership team, or even invest in the education of the youth of South Africa, speak to one of our consultants – we’d be delighted to work with you!