Transformation in the South African context is almost exclusively about the economic upliftment of those that were previously disadvantaged. But what if it were about more than that? What if South Africans recognised that the need for transformation in South Africa was not only about redressing the wrongs of the past – but also about investing in our future?
Eileen Thornhill, Director of The LLC Academy – a 73.57% black owned, Level 2, Designated Group Supplier that builds effective strategies for maximum B-BBEE benefit, is passionate about the transformation of South African businesses – and the people in them. “At The LLC Academy, we are all about transformation. Not just in terms of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, although that is literally what we do for a living,” says Thornhill. “We see how the inclusion of South Africans, from all walks of life, in companies where their lack of skills would have previously prevented them from joining, doesn’t only uplift them – it also transforms those businesses for the better.”
“The LLC Academy is convinced that the inclusion of all South Africans in our economy is vital,” says Thornhill. “By having a more diverse work force, companies can open their eyes to new ideas, which in turn opens up new business opportunities and revenue streams. If you have not yet transformed your company, you could be left behind, trying to play catch up with those who have already seen the benefits of investing in making those changes.”
“If businesses in this day and age want to remain competitive, they need to recognise that rapid, constant and disruptive change has become the norm,” says Thornhill. “What succeeded in the past is no longer a guide to what will succeed in the future. Today’s leaders need to be able to adapt to change at a moment’s notice, bringing innovative problem solving and new, flexible ways of seeing things to the table – and be able to impart those skills to the teams they are leading.”
“This is why transformation is an essential part of doing business in South Africa today,” says Thornhill. “It is no longer sufficient to have one way of doing things. Your staff, from entry level to management, need to be equipped with the skills necessary to flourish in a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. And having a workforce that is diverse, both economically and racially, makes it that much easier to see the bigger picture – from a number of different angles.”
Isn’t it time you investigated transforming your business into one that is fit for the future? Contact The LLC Academy today – our range of programmes and opportunities are designed to transform the way you do business.