South Africa is at her very best when her people are able to unite behind a common goal. This weekend’s exceptional Rugby World Cup semi-final win is testament to just how each and every one of us is uplifted and enthused by the success of some of us – a win for one can feel like a win for all.
“At The LLC Academy, a win for one being a win for all is a core principle of why we do what we do,” says Eileen Thornhill, Director of The LLC Academy. “It is why we focus on the upliftment of the individual, in the belief that that individual will take the knowledge they have received and transform it into a better future for the lives of every person whose lives they go on to affect.”
Personal development is therefore the foundation of social development. “A society exists because of its people,” says Thornhill. “Though it may sound like a statement so obvious as to be useless, it’s a statement worthwhile to remember, and practice. A society in which individuals are encouraged to focus on personal development is a society that benefits from a more educated, more uplifted and more determined people – people able to unite behind the goal of building a better South Africa for all of us.”
“This is why The LLC Academy focuses extensively on personal development,” says Thornhill. “We offer an array of programmes dedicated to building our student’s leadership skills, whether it is to act as a leader for themselves, a leader of others, or even a leader of leaders.”
“Leadership is not about being in charge, and telling people what to do,” says Thornhill. “It is about having the confidence in yourself and your abilities to the extent that you can lead yourself and your team effectively, , motivating and inspiring the people you lead. A true leader is one who makes the best use of the strengths of themselves and their team, while making an effort to continuously improve themselves and their team.”
“ “Whole person development is the holistic development of personal, emotional, and interpersonal skills, as well as business and professional skills. The intersection of Intrapersonal, Intrapersonal and Business Technical Knowledge skills enables whole person growth and development, and it is where we find the sweet spot.”
“The LLC Academy focuses on the growth and development of your people, as well as the social upliftment of young members of our society,” says Thornhill. “We seek to enable those who are locked out of the workforce by their lack of access to funding to further their education, and become employable, leading to the development of our society as a whole – making a win for some of us indeed a win for all of us.”
Interested in developing your people while achieving the maximum bang for your B-BBEE buck? Our consultants at The LLC Academy are happy to help direct you where you need to go. Speak to us today.